- 5 Handstand push-ups
185#135# Deadlift, 10 reps- 10
Chest to barpull-ups - 20 Double-unders
WOD Demo with the women of CrossFit Santa Cruz - video [wmv] [mov]
Kristan Clever and Rebecca Voigt by Again Faster Equipment on today's WOD- video [wmv] [mov]
Miranda Oldroyd on today's WOD- video [wmv] [mov]
Kevin Montoya on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
Austin Malleolo on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
Rob Orlando on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
Heather Bergeron on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
Yes, that does suck as badly as it looks. I can't even kick up correctly, so I end up doing mine facing the wall after scrabbling up backwards like some sort of sweaty, pale crab. Exercise makes you dead sexy. (crossfit.com) |
Eva T. in perfect starting position for a deadlift. Note the *utter* lack of back rounding and the completely extended arms. Rounded back and bent arms are both signs of very bad deadlift technique. I fight both every single rep. (crossfit.com) |
My kingdom for a pull-up bar with the clearance to allow either a kipping pull-up or a chest-to-bar pull-up. (crossfit.com) |
Buddy Lee Coaching the double-under. This form is fantastic, as she doesn't appear to be jumping much higher than she would for a single bounce. I'm still working on this, along with most of the rest of the CrossFit Universe. (crossfit.com) |
Hit the HSPUs as hard as possible, still nowhere near a full range of motion, but definitely MORE range of motion than I've ever done before, which is a very good thing. Could I have saved some time just going with a HSPU progression (check the video above in the workout description, they show several variations, included foot-elevated pike push-ups) as a scaling? Probably. But I know HSPUs ought to be in my reach, so I'd rather loose the time and deal with a more limited range of motion for now, knowing that it should pay off overall. I hope.
Deadlifts were ok. 135# is light for me, even for a set of 10. However, having just done twenty of them at 245# yesterday definitely left me with a few sore spots that revealed themselves a few reps in. I'm still working on my set-up position. Again, check the video above (or here, you lazy shit), and note that I think, in hindsight, that my back may have been too vertical. I think I definitely need outside coaching on this, as it seems like I have to go vertical to get my back into correct extension. While that may be true for my physiology, I'd like to have someone else ascertain that, or bark out a 'bend the knees more' or 'raise your butt, dummy!' where needed.
Pull-ups. I just didn't have these today. I did one set on our pull-up monstrosity, and realized that if I kept up with that, I would end up failing in the second round. I ended up doing the rest of them as jumping pull-ups on the frame of the Smith machine. Admittedly, at first I focused on drawing out the negatives (the downward motion out of the pull-up), but for the final few rounds, I was just trying to get my chin over the bar as fast as possible.
Double-unders. I am your medieval biotch. There, I said it, ok? Can I *please* string just two together now, please and thank you? Terrible day with double-unders. I had more luck nailing one from a literally dead stop (I had enough to practice today...), but couldn't manage to get even two to string. Well, that's not entirely true. At one of the later rounds, I did get 5-6, but I was already so gassed that I could barely keep count. Coulda been just four reps for all I know.
Total time: @28:30
There was a lot of sucking wind time between rounds, and I lost just a ton of time sucking at double-unders. i seriously feel that, had i been more concerned with a good time and gone with tuck jumps, I could have shaved at least 5, if not 10 minutes off my total time.
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