Friday, May 28, 2010

10-05-28: "Nutts"

For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
200 Double-unders Row (went for 6:00 based on time to complete 10 rows)
Run walk/stagger 400 meters with a 45lb plate

As always, a workout with a name is a terrifying thing.  This one, in memoriam of Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, is no different.  Note the quickly climbing rep count per exercise, as well as the masterful switching from upside-down to full-body pull, to jumping, to power squats, to pull-ups, to more leg power stuff, to full body control movement with a fairly annoying weight (for every marine/soldier/sailor/airman/guard/cop/firefighter/etc who's ever run with heavy equipment, I feel your pain a bit better. Probably not a whole lot better, but every little bit counts.

7 minutes on the elliptical to warm-up
Active stretching
Time = 33:36

As usual, pull-ups were definitely a problem, time-wise.  I'd say I spent an easy 10 minutes just doing pull-ups, and my forearms were shot about 10 in.  True, I haven't done them since Tuesday (and Monday!), but for that amount of work, it just wasn't enough rest, I guess.  Typing right now kinda sucks! ;)

Everything else actually felt pretty good.  I'm sure I needed another 8-10" of range on my hand-stand push-ups, but I was happy just to have any motion at I'll work on that!  Deadlifts were heavy (only 25# shy of my PR), but doable.  Dumo deadlift high pulls were ok, in an unbroken set, wall balls were done in sets of 25-10-15-20-25-5, rowing took 6m as noted, and the 400m was done at 3.6mph on a treadmill.  Ugh. ;)  That one was for you, Nutts.

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