Spencer Hendel demonstrates the dynamism involved in the Olympic lifts. Given his wide grip, this is obviously a snatch of some kind, though whether he's planning on diving under the bar in a "regular" snatch (ie, a full "squat snatch", although adding in "squat" ought to be redundant), or catching it in a standing position (the "power snatch" variant) is unclear. Either way, a whole lot of energy needs to be imparted on the bar to lift a heavy weight overhead. Notice that he's pulled up and jumped so hard that, even with about 185# on the bar, Spencer's feet have come off the floor. (crossfit.com) |
Hang Power Clean. Again, notice the feet leaving the floor with the amount of force generated. Nicole Carroll is something of a bad-ass. (crossfit.com) |
I keep using this image for a reason. I think I'm the person on the left, with not-great arm position that leads to repeatedly failing out as I get tired. Be the person on the left, with upper-arms fully parallel to the floor, where the bar can't even begin to start rolling down... yeah, be that person. So much better. (crossfit.com) |
WOD: 20 minutes of the following:
- Odd Minutes:
- 1 Hang Power Snatch
155#115# 2 Overhead Squats(Sub two more Hang Power Snatches if OHS form sucks)- Even Minutes:
- 2 Hang Power Clean
- 4 Front Squats
Given my (still) awful overhead squat form (tight calves, crappy shoulder mobility), I opted for the substitution of doing two more hang power snatches. It seemed like a good idea... once I got tired (about 4 rounds in), I was exceedingly happy to have made the swap. What sucks when I'm in fine form would certainly fall apart when I got tired. Trust me.
The whole way through, I had just ONE thought: bang through all the reps as fast as possible, to have as MUCH time to rest before the next set. I think I was fairly successful, in that even towards the end of the 20 minutes, I was still walking away from my bar to reset while most everyone was still finishing up their last minute or two.
As far as front squat form, I went back on forth on successfully maintaining a proper grip. My very first set was a total failure, with me nearly dumping the bar and resulting in me having to do what amounted to an out-of-position good morning as the bar started rolling down my arms. No good. That was the worst nearly-dump of the day, and most of the issues weren't nearly as bad. I am definitely still struggling to find the sweet spot where my hands aren't guaranteed to slip... or where they're guaranteed to stay. Someday. Some. Day.
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