Friday, April 30, 2010

10-04-30: Thrusters, Sit-Ups, KB Swings, Pull-ups, Push-Ups

CrossFit WoD for April 30th, 2010
For time:
  • For time: 
  • 70 Burpees Thrusters 45#
  • 60 Sit-ups 
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
  • 40 Pull-ups
  • 30 Handstand elevated push-ups
Honestly, I was a lot nervous going into this one.  I knew I still didn't want to do thrusters.  The knees are vastly improved from where they were a week or two ago, but there is still some residual pain, which means that it won't take much to re-aggravate anything.I figured thrusters would make for an ok sub, since they are also a fairly full-ranged motion, though obviously not nearly so much as a well-performed burpee.  Ah well.  Worst case, if they seemed to be irritating the patellar tendonitis, I would quit immediately.  70 thrusters later, it looks like they're back on the menu! ;)

Total time = 22 minutes.

Effort was pretty good through the sit-ups, but I completely gassed on the kettlebell swings. A lot of it was tiredness in the same muscles that had just been targeted three days earlier, and that these two workouts were my first in over a week, but still.  The weight was marginally too heavy, and I was working too hard to try to ensure my form was ok, so I spent a lot of energy working against myself. Fought through the rest of the swings, and then hit my nemesis: the body-weight pull-up.  Ended up doing 20 pull-ups, 10 elevated push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, and a final 10 push-ups.

So, getting some good protein into myself now, gonna restretch everything, especially my legs, and then ice my knees.  That's it for this week, since I probably won't do anything over the weekend.  We'll see how things develop!

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